In this section, the website management procedure is described as far as processing of personal data of users who consult it is concerned. This information is also given in compliance with Legislative Decree 196/03 to those who interact with any web services provided by Factory Prime Srl for processing their personal data, collected on-line from the website, which is the first page of site. Information is given only for the website of factorygroup and not also for other websites consulted by users through links.



The Data Controller is Factory Prime Srl che ha sede in Milano, Italia, Viale del Ghisallo 9/a.



Data is processed through electronic tools commonly used for web processing.



Computer systems and software dedicated to the operation of this website collect, as part of their normal operation, a number of personal data the transmission whereof is implied in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified individuals, however it might by nature, through processing and associations with data owned by third parties, lead to the identification of users. This category of data includes IP addresses or the domain names of computers used by users who connect to the website, URI notation addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of resources requested, the time of request, the method adopted to submit the request to servers, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numeric code indicating the status of the reply given by servers (successfully completed, error, etc.) and other data relating to the operating system and computer environment of users. This data can be used solely for the purpose of extracting anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to check the proper operation of the latter, and is deleted immediately after processing. Data can be used to ascertain any liabilities resulting from computer crimes committed to the detriment of the site.



A non-mandatory, explicit and voluntary transmission of e-mails to the addresses included in this site results in the acquisition of the address of sender, necessary to reply to requests, and of any additional personal data stated in the message.



According with the website policy of Factory Prime Srl, obtaining personal data of users through the so-called “cookies” and any use of “cookies” to transmit information of a private nature is not permitted. For this purpose, no persistent cookies of any kind are used, nor systems suited to keep track of users. The use of session cookies (that cannot be permanently stored in users’ computers and disappear when browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identification data (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to enable a safe and efficient browsing through the website. Session cookies used in this website obviate the need to resort to other computer techniques potentially detrimental to the confidentiality of users’ surfing and prevent the acquisition of personal identification data. The aforementioned protection shall never be meant to be extended to technologies, programs or utilities and in general third parties’ information systems that are beyond the control of Factory Prime Srl, although necessary for the utilization of contents (e.g.: Internet Explorer browser, connectivity services, etc.).



Save as set out for surfing data, users are free to supply any personal data stated in contacts with the company in order for them to solicit delivery of informational materials or other communications. Failure to supply any such data may result in the impossibility to obtain anything thus requested.



Those individuals who supplied personal data may at any time exercise the rights as defined in Art. 7 of the Data Protection Act, including the right to solicit confirmation of the existence of any such data, and to learn the contents of any personal data relating thereto, to check its correctness or request any supplement, updating, amendment, blocking and deletion thereof. Requests shall be sent to Factory Prime Srl through the e-mail box.